Title: Awareness of Resource Description and Access RDA Among Cataloguers in Nigeria
Author(s): Bamidele, Itunu A., Madukoma, Ezinwanyi, Onoyeyan, Glory
Publication Year: 2020;
Volume 15, Issue 2, pages 1-11
This study investigated the awareness of Resource Description and Access RDA among cataloguers in Nigeria. The descriptive research approach was used for the study. The target population comprised 89 cataloguers that participated at the 2017 Cataloguing Classification and Indexing seminarworkshop of Nigerian Library Association held at Kenneth Dike Library University of Ibadan Oyo State. The total enumeration was used to include all the participants at the workshop. Self-constructed questionnaire was the instrument used to collect data. Out of 89 copies of the questionnaire distributed 49 were retrieved back and used. Data collected were analyzed using both frequency and descriptive. The results revealed that majority of the respondents were aware of RDA. They were satisfied with the RDA guidelines and instructions because they have been trained on the use of RDA but the majority of the respondents 65.3 affirmed that RDA has not been implemented in their libraries. It is recommended that RDA training and implementation must be the focus of policy makers in the libraries in Nigeria while the professional librarians should be encouraged to attend conferences seminars and workshops on RDA regularly in order to stay relevant professionally.
Download: Fulltext PDF Citation: Bamidele, Itunu A., Madukoma, Ezinwanyi, Onoyeyan, Glory(2020).
Awareness of Resource Description and Access RDA Among Cataloguers in Nigeria, Jewel Journal of Librarianship; Volume 15, Issue 2, pages 1-11