Title: Challenges Encountered During Field Experience Exercise by Trainees (Students) of University of Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria: Management, Issues and Remedies
Author(s): Abdulrahman Yusuf, Peter Yohanna Mshelia & Muhammad Zannah-Bukar Badia
Publication Year: 2022;
Volume 17, Issue 2, pages 17-22
This paper determines the challenges encountered by trainees (students) of library and
information science department of University of Maiduguri, Borno state, Nigeria. Library field
experience is a practical training on various library routines and functions supervised by
professionals in libraries. Having analyzed the data presented, the paper revealed the
challenges faced by library and information science students participating in the library field
experience scheme in the University of Maiduguri library. These include hostility of
supervisors, poor supervision, and non-co-operative attitude of supervisors, among others.
Thus, the paper recommends among others, that library staff should endeavor to direct,
counsel, guard, cooperate, encourage and guide the trainee librarians appropriately during
the field experience scheme in order to meet the need for establishment.
Download: Fulltext PDF Citation: Abdulrahman Yusuf, Peter Yohanna Mshelia & Muhammad Zannah-Bukar Badia(2022).
Challenges Encountered During Field Experience Exercise by Trainees (Students) of University of Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria: Management, Issues and Remedies, Jewel Journal of Librarianship; Volume 17, Issue 2, pages 17-22