Title: Acquiring Digital Skills for Effective Service Delivery of EResources by Library Professionals in Public Higher Institutions in Imo State, Nigeria
Author(s): Ijeoma F. Mbagwu
Publication Year: 2023;
Volume 18, Issue 3, pages 77-85
Acquiring digital skills by librarians in public higher institutions for effective service delivery
in Imo State, Nigeria were examined with the view to ascertain the various digital skills
possessed by the librarians, determining the ways of acquiring the skills and the challenges to
the acquisition of the skills. The study adopted descriptive survey design, the study covered
four (4) public higher institutions in Imo State with population of 98 professional and paraprofessional librarians. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the 4 higher
institutions in Imo State. Rating scale was adopted as instrument for data collection which was
in line with the research questions. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics.
The result of the study revealed that the most digital skills possessed by the librarians is having
knowledge of computer operation , creating new word process document and social
networking. The results also showed that colleague’s assistance is the most method of
acquiring digital skills, followed by attending computer training, self study and use of diverse
technologies. More so, the result showed that poor ICT infrastructures, lack of funds and lack
basic skills in the use of ICT, poor internet connectivity and telecommunication, as well as nondigital library course in the LBS curriculum are seen as challenges in acquiring digital skills.
The research therefore concluded that all librarians in institutions of higher learning should
as a matter of necessity acquire different digital skills for effective service delivery. The study
recommended that Government and management of higher institutions should provide funds
for training and re-training of librarians for effective services delivery in institution of higher
Download: Fulltext PDF Citation: Ijeoma F. Mbagwu(2023).
Acquiring Digital Skills for Effective Service Delivery of EResources by Library Professionals in Public Higher Institutions in Imo State, Nigeria, Jewel Journal of Librarianship; Volume 18, Issue 3, pages 77-85