Title: An Overview of the Acceptance of Integrated Library Management Software in Academic Libraries: Reference to Nigerian Context
Author(s): Bala Ahmed,; Mohammed Bello Ahmed; Abdullahi Mohammad Ibrahim
Publication Year: 2024;
Volume 19, Issue 2, pages 31-43
Rapid advances in technology have significantly turned libraries nature from traditional systems to automated systems. The acceptance linked with new technologies has become the most essential factor for academic libraries in Nigeria to stay active as information providers. Today, many academic libraries' day-to-day activities are carried out through integrated library management software (ILMS). Library professionals in Nigeria are now effectively using this software to provide innovative services to their valued users. This paper discusses the concept of Integrated Library Management Software, the development of ILMS, and the types and features of some integrated library management software. The paper also emphasizes the acceptance of integrated library management software in academic libraries particularly in Nigeria for library settings
Download: Fulltext PDF Citation: Bala Ahmed,; Mohammed Bello Ahmed; Abdullahi Mohammad Ibrahim(2024).
An Overview of the Acceptance of Integrated Library Management Software in Academic Libraries: Reference to Nigerian Context , Jewel Journal of Librarianship; Volume 19, Issue 2, pages 31-43