Title: Teaching Methods and Library Resources Utilization as Predictors of Academic Achievement in Introduction to Library Studies in Federal Colleges of Education in Southern Nigeria
Author(s): Samuel O. Ogunniyi, Ph.D; Johnson A. Akerele, Ph.D; Robert A. Awoyemi, Ph.D
Publication Year: 2021;
Volume 16, Issue 3, pages 25-36
Poor academic achievement of students in Introduction to Library Studies GSE 112 inrncolleges of education in Southern Nigeria is the major concern of this study. It may be notedrnthat some final year students in colleges of education were not able to graduate as a result ofrnthe poor performance in GSE 112 with other courses. GSE 112 is a compulsory one unitrngeneral study course meant to introduce the library and its resources to the students inrncolleges of education in Nigeria with the aim of making them to be conversant with the use ofrnresources with little or no assistance in library and information centres. The study adoptedrnpurposive sampling technique to select five conventional colleges of education in SouthernrnNigeria. Questionnaire and achievement test were the instruments used for the study. Simplernrandom technique was used to select 1340 Nigerian Certificate of Education NCE 2rnstudents for the study while all 42 librarians teaching GSE 112 in the institutions were used.rnThree research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Descriptive and inferentialrnstatistics were used for the analysis. The study found among others that: lecture discussionrnassignment team teaching and demonstration were the mostly used teaching methods inrnGSE 112 human resource textbooks computer and reference materials were the libraryrnresources utilized by students and students academic achievement was on the average. Thernstudy concluded that there was strong and positive relationship between teaching methodsrnlibrary resources utilization and academic achievement of students. The result of this studyrncould benefit educational administrators in tertiary institutions librarians Federal andrnStates Ministry of Education in advancing academic achievement of students in GSE 112 andrnother general study courses in tertiary institutions.
Download: Fulltext PDF Citation: Samuel O. Ogunniyi, Ph.D; Johnson A. Akerele, Ph.D; Robert A. Awoyemi, Ph.D(2021).
Teaching Methods and Library Resources Utilization as Predictors of Academic Achievement in Introduction to Library Studies in Federal Colleges of Education in Southern Nigeria, Jewel Journal of Librarianship; Volume 16, Issue 3, pages 25-36