Title: Advocacy and Relevance of Embedded Librarianship by Librarians at the University of Maiduguri Nigeria
Author(s): Samaila Inuwa
Publication Year: 2020;
Volume 15, Issue 1, pages 19-28
The research study was undertaken to determine the advocacy and relevance of embedded librarianship by academic librarians at the University of Maiduguri. In the University of Maiduguri interest in embedded librarianship services model has been increasing but there is no study that explores the advocacy and relevance of embedded librarianship in the university. The objective of the study is to explore the advocacy and relevance of embedded librarianship in the University of Maiduguri. Qualitative technique was used in analysing the data collected. Purposive sampling was employed to select the participants who are either embedded with faculties academic departments or directly involved in collaboration with faculties or partners with other stakeholders. Semi-structured interview was used for the data collection. The findings of the study revealed that the libraryuniversity management advocate embedded librarianship through Marketing and promotion physical proximity budgetary allocation increase in staff strength and Public enlightenment program. In terms of relevance the study found that embedded librarianship is relevance to underground students postgraduate students academics library and the university as a whole. Most published works discuss librarians embedding services in an online course management system. A few notable cases describe the physical and cultural integration of librarians into the library user environs. This paper demonstrated how embedded librarianship is advocated and its relevance to the University of Maiduguri. However future research using valid quantitative methods is needed to explore the role of embedded librarianship in information literacy in the university. The library management should also improve the library ICT in order to implement onlineembedded librarianship.
Download: Fulltext PDF Citation: Samaila Inuwa(2020).
Advocacy and Relevance of Embedded Librarianship by Librarians at the University of Maiduguri Nigeria, Jewel Journal of Librarianship; Volume 15, Issue 1, pages 19-28