Title: Assessment of Digital Literacy Competencies of Undergraduate students of Bayero University Kano Kano State Nigeria.
Author(s): Lami Umar Abdullahi
Publication Year: 2020;
Volume 15, Issue 1, pages 76-89
The study investigated the digital literacy competencies possessed by undergraduate studentsrnat Bayero University Kano. The study also examined the extent to which the students userndigital information resources in their learning and academic activities. Descriptive surveyrnresearch design was adopted for the study. The population for the study was 8090 students forrn20182019 academic sessions. Questionnaire was used for data collection. The researchrnadvisor was used to select the sample size of 370 undergraduate students. A total of 370 copiesrnof questionnaires were distributed across 17 faculties in the university with a retrieval successrnof 333 copies which represents the return rate. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.rnFindings of the study revealed that the majority of the undergraduate students of BUK userndigital information resources for academic purposes. They are not fully aware of the digitalrnresources available in the university library and the resources are not adequately utilized. Alsornthe respondents possess low digital literacy competencies. Based on the findings it wasrnrecommended that the information needs of students should be identified at regular intervalsrnand relevant resources be made available to meet such needs. University library shouldrnintensify its awareness campaign on the availability of DIRs in the library. Lecturers shouldrnencourage students to use DIRs for course work in order to facilitate frequency of use of thernresources. Students should also be encouraged to engage in academic research using availablerndigital resources while confidence levels of students in using media should be challenged byrnexemplifying the use of electronic media resources among lecturers to deliver lectures.
Download: Fulltext PDF Citation: Lami Umar Abdullahi(2020).
Assessment of Digital Literacy Competencies of Undergraduate students of Bayero University Kano Kano State Nigeria., Jewel Journal of Librarianship; Volume 15, Issue 1, pages 76-89