Jewel Journal of Librarianship
ISSN Print:2141-3908; ISSN Online: 2736-0881
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Title: Differences between competitive Advantage and competitive intelligence in Legislative libraries
Author(s): Ikokoh Catherine Enatta, Ikokoh James Joel
Publication Year: 2020; Volume 15, Issue 2, pages 118-128


The paper gave an overview of what a legislature and library mean. A descriptive research method was used in carrying out this work. It looked at the following among others concepts of competitive advantage and competitive intelligence as it relates to the library library as a service delivery institution general library services and application of competitive advantage and competitive intelligence to library and concluded that competitive advantage and competitive intelligence are needed in libraries to provide better library services.

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Ikokoh Catherine Enatta, Ikokoh James Joel(2020). Differences between competitive Advantage and competitive intelligence in Legislative libraries, Jewel Journal of Librarianship; Volume 15, Issue 2, pages 118-128
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