Title: Nurses Use of Electronic Information Resources for Healthcare Service Delivery in General Hospitals of Jigawa State-Nigeria
Author(s): Adamu Abdullahi Muhammed, Aminu Ahmed Buba, Usman Muhammed Song
Publication Year: 2021;
Volume 16, Issue 1, pages 64-75
This study examines the use of electronic information resources EIRs by nurses for enhancingrnhealthcare service delivery in Jigawa State. The study adopted a quantitative researchrnmethodology using cross-sectional survey design. The population of the study consisted allrnthe 384 clinical nurses currently working in nine general hospitals in Jigawa State employingrna census sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was used to collect relevant datarnanalysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics findingsrnrevealed the major sources of accessibility of EIRs by nurses to be search enginesrnmean3.41 online database and smart phones mean3.19. The major types of EIRs usedrnare Medline Biomedical and Health Resourcesmean2.75 Global Infectious Disease andrnEpidemiology Network GIDEON mean2.50 and Nursing Reference Center Plus forrnenhancing the provision of health education in preventing the spread of contagious diseasesrnusing empirical findings mean2.66 and learning new ways of measuring and monitoringrnpatients vital signs. The findings also revealed that nurses possess skills for formulatingrnquestions based on information needs mean2.64 ability to distinguish potentialrninformation resources mean2.89 and ability to evaluate information obtained fromrndifferent sources. The major problems include lack of knowledge of availability of resourcesrnpoor internet connectivity mean3.00 inadequate evaluating facilities for using eresources mean3.37. The inferential statistics found that the relationship is positivernr350 .378 n352 p.000 i.e. less than 0.05 in the first hypothesis with a weakrncorrelation and also positive r350 .601 n352 p.000 i.e. less than 0.05 in the secondrnhypothesis with a very strong correlation and therefore reject all the two null hypothesesrnbecause there is sufficient evidence of significant correlation between the variables. Thernstudy recommends that libraries be established in the general hospitals with robust internetrnconnectivity.
Download: Fulltext PDF Citation: Adamu Abdullahi Muhammed, Aminu Ahmed Buba, Usman Muhammed Song(2021).
Nurses Use of Electronic Information Resources for Healthcare Service Delivery in General Hospitals of Jigawa State-Nigeria, Jewel Journal of Librarianship; Volume 16, Issue 1, pages 64-75