Jewel Journal of Librarianship
ISSN Print:2141-3908; ISSN Online: 2736-0881
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
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Title: Challenges Facing Public Libraries in Information Literacy Development of Farmers in Nigeria: The Case of Idima Abam Arochukwu Local Government Area of Abia State
Author(s): Agbo Amaoge Dorathy; Enyinnah Augustine Uche
Publication Year: 2021; Volume 16, Issue 4, pages 1-8


This study investigated of the challenges faced by public libraries in information literacyrndevelopment of farmers in Idima Abam Arochukwu Local government Area of Abia State. Fivernspecific objectives guided the study. The study adopted the descriptive survey design with arnpopulation of 75 farmers from six 6 registered farmers cooperative societies andrnassociations. The entire population was used for the study. The instruments for data collectionrnwas focused group discussion. The data collected were analyzed qualitatively and presentedrnusing descriptive illustration and interview. The findings revealed that the information needsrnof farmers in Idima Abam include: information on agricultural loanscredit facilitiesrninformation on types of fertilizer and its application information on marketing of agriculturalrnproducts among others. It also revealed that the sources of information for the farmers werernagricultural extension officersagents radio mobile phones farmers cooperative societiesrnassociations friendsrelatives among others. The finding of the study disclosed that thernfarmers information literacy level is not quite high because a lot of farmers barely possess thernskills of accessing recognizing locating and utilizing information in solving various farmingrnneeds independently. The findings further revealed that the roles of public libraries inrninformation literacy development of farmers include: providing information resources andrnservices to farmers promoting agricultural literacy activities and programmes among farmersrnsupporting self-conducted and lifelong learning of farmers among others. The findings equallyrnrevealed that the challenges militating against the role of public library in information literacyrndevelopment of farmers include: low level of farmers income inadequate financial allocationrnto public libraries low literacy level of farmers in terms of reading and understanding Englishrnlanguage among others. The study recommended that governments at all levels shouldrnendeavour to make adequate financial provision and allocation to public libraries in order tornfinance information literacy training programmes to farmers.

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Agbo Amaoge Dorathy; Enyinnah Augustine Uche(2021). Challenges Facing Public Libraries in Information Literacy Development of Farmers in Nigeria: The Case of Idima Abam Arochukwu Local Government Area of Abia State, Jewel Journal of Librarianship; Volume 16, Issue 4, pages 1-8
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