Title: Economics of Information in a Global Perspective
Author(s): Haruna Hamman GARTA, Ushahemba ORAGBE, Usman MUSA, Abubakar SAIDU
Publication Year: 2021;
Volume 16, Issue 2, pages 46-55
The paper discusses the economics of information in a global perspective. The paper took into consideration cost price and value of information as an economic commodity. Documentary methodology was adopted for the study. The paper further highlighted the relationship between economics and information organizations in the information sector of the economy such as information production information distribution information transaction and information equipment organizations were touched characteristics of information as economic good were highlighted : non-excludability property information as experience good infinitely expansible utility scarcity transferrable and the roles of government in the economics of information such as grants regulations and infrastructural development among others were discussed and conclusion was drawn. The findings revealed that information has price cost and value developed countries are now operating an information economy among others. The study recommends high economic ties with developed world for cross-breeding of economic ideas
Download: Fulltext PDF Citation: Haruna Hamman GARTA, Ushahemba ORAGBE, Usman MUSA, Abubakar SAIDU(2021).
Economics of Information in a Global Perspective, Jewel Journal of Librarianship; Volume 16, Issue 2, pages 46-55